Arbicon provide premier construction Expert Witness services, including production of CPR35 reports, to support and strengthen your legal arguments in your construction dispute weather in court arbitration or adjudication proceedings.
What is a Construction Expert Witness? Are there different types?
A Construction Expert Witness is a professional with extensive experience and expertise in a particular aspect of construction work. The expert is called upon to provide impartial and objective opinions on matters relating to disputed construction work providing essential evidence for the respective tribunal.
There are different types depending on the matter at hand. The most common type of Expert Report required is a Quantity Surveyor Report (QS) for instances where the quality and value of construction work is required to be scrutinised and reported on. The QS is known for valuing construction work but also has Expert skills in construction technology, delay analysis and construction contracts all of which are applied in arriving at the valuation. Other types include specialists in particular aspects such as structural engineering, building design, acoustics, or other skills, however these aspects tend to only deal with facts, technology or a failure in procedure. The commercial valuation comes from the QS Expert.
The Application of the Expert Report and Expert Witness
The Expert Report will deal with the issues factually and aim at providing persuasive impartial answers to the problems at hand using the facts and specialist knowledge and experience. The report is a vital part of the submission of evidence including valuing time, variations, damages and any defective or incomplete work. It can also provide a snapshot in time when parties part company and a later account is to be evaluated. The report acts as the starting point. Arbicon are the first choice.
Arbicon’s experts include QS, Defects, Negligence, Building Surveying, Boundary Experts and Quantum Delay Analysts. The services can be used in adjudication or court/arbitration proceedings to CPR35 standard and all of our Experts are LETAPAEWE qualified and are professionally approved or accredited.
There are no rules in respect of Experts in adjudication. The Expert can act as an advocate fighting the case. If you have a QS adjudicator appointed, he/she will understand commercial construction and valuations, thus the independence aspect is not so important. Where both the adjudicator and the advocate are Experts speaking the same language, this ensures an essential understanding of the case and a more likely win.
The main USP for using Arbicon in adjudication instead of other law firms is you are represented by an Expert who is on the same page as the adjudicator. Contact us today to discuss how the Arbicon Expert can help you achieve solutions or support to your legal or dispute problems.